Wednesday 5 September 2012


Happy birthday leader of team Hadabbey!
There is extreme time difference between  New Zealand and UK and we believe it is your birthday today according our own special time difference calculations.

Hope you are celebrating it up on carrot sticks/hummus,breakfast beef and lots of fresh water from the fridge with ice included.

From the trainees.


  1. Ha ha thanks team. I appreciate the belated birthday wishes.

    I haven't had as many carrots, celery as I prob should and have hit the alcohol a bit more (all in moderation of course).

    If you need anything from me just let me know. Let me know how your green drinks go!

  2. We would like to offer our congratulations on the new employment opportunity! Don't forget us when you are training Adelle and Cheryl (AKA Cheryl Cole). Pleased to hear that you have reacquainted yourself with our good friend alcohol. You must take after our Lil Mumma.
