Saturday 25 August 2012

Alarms, wines and chips

We have successfully managed to get to the gym at 5:30am for four mornings this week. We have also been diligently alternating our resistance training with cardio. The early mornings are really taking a toll on us and we are looking tired and aged. We are also wondering whether our programme is working as well as it should. Recently we have developed a lot of face fat too (This was something that was not part of Team Hadabbeys contract).

Unfortunately on Friday morning  when we were showering to go to work (AKA Naked Time) the alarms went off and we had to evacuate the building. That was an exciting way to start the day. Thankful we were the modest type who keep our clothes in the individual shower cubicles we were using so we could make a speedy exit. Unfortunately the same could not be said for Cycling Sophie who prefers communal changing spaces.

We have managed to detour off the healthy food choices due to wine and chips at the pub too many times this week. The staff at the local pub must also be concerned for our health and fitness goals as on Friday management had decided to make the bowels of chips smaller.  We were going to attribute little mumma as a major influencing factor to chips and wine but the more we think about it, we could be the ones influencing her. However Hannah's developing bulging biceps were drawing some attention at the pub. Not only were her biceps drawing attention,but men were too imtimated by her developing biceps and refused to arm wrestle. Next goal is to work out how to get the same muscle tone on our face.
Any tips of advice on this one?

1 comment:

  1. You can't out train a bad diet. Ask little mumma for the sheet on the 14 day challenge.
